The establishment of Risk Policy Committee is part of the Company’s initiative to strengthen monitoring practice over risk management policy and system in the Company as part of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) implementation. In relation with the GCG Implementation, role and function of Risk Policy Committee becomes very strategic to help and improve the role of Board of Commissioners in exercising supervisory function.
The Risk Policy Committee members are appointed and discharged by the Board of Commissioners and reported to the GMS. Serving period of the Risk Policy Committee member shall not be longer than serving period of the Board of Commissioners according to provisions in the Articles of Association an d may be reappointed for 1 (one) next period. In implementing duty and responsibility, The Risk Policy Committee members shall be independent, objective and professional.
The guideline for implementing the Risk Policy Committee function listed in the Risk Policy Committee Charter which regulates the formation & membership of the Risk Policy Committee, duties, authorities & responsibilities, codes of ethics, meeting & funding mechanisms of the Risk Policy Committee
Risk Policy Committee Duties: