Shipyard Surya Surabaya

PT. Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero)


Strategic Bisuness Unit

PELNI Shipyard Surya has a function of managing business activities for ship docking, maintenance and repair services by following the guidelines and policies outlined by the Company's Directors to achieve optimal shipyard service company performance. the task of PT PELNI's strategic business unit is to prepare, implement, control and report on supporting administrative activities for financial management, human resources, administration & public services at the household of shipyard service offices.

Established since May 20, 1996. While the PT PELNI vessels that can be done are only type 500 vessels, namely KM Sangiang, KM Pangrango, KM Wilis. Pelni Maintenance Facility (PMF), a strategic projection that can guarantee dock space and repairs for all ships (including large vessels) operated by PT PELNI