
PT. Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero)

Relasi Pemangku Kepentingan PT PELNI

The Company applies the GCG structure and mechanism with the aim of carrying out a process and structure to achieve performance targets and realize the Company's accountability in order to generate added value for shareholders and stakeholders while taking into account the interests of other stakeholders.

The application of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Practices at PELNI refers to a number of laws and regulations in force in Indonesia, including Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies and Decree of the State Minister of State Owned Enterprises Number: Kep-117 / M-MBU / 2002 dated 31 July 2002 concerning Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Practices in State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

Commitment of Implementation GCG

The Company places GCG as an important foundation for creating sustainable growth by strengthening the structure and mechanism of management internally which is supported by external compliance with all laws and regulations. The commitment to GCG implementation in the Company is embodied in a series of guidelines related to the implementation of GCG and the signing of the GCG Integrity Pact by the Board of Commissioners and Directors, as follows:

  1. Procedure of GCG PT PELNI (Persero)
  2. Code of Conduct PT PELNI (Persero)
  3. Board Manual of  BOD & BOC PT PELNI (Persero)
  4. Conflict of Interest Procedure PT PELNI (Persero)
  5. Pact of Integrity PT PELNI (Persero)
  6. Handling of Gratuites Procedure PT PELNI (Persero)
  7. Procedure of Whistleblowing Sytem (WBS)PT PELNI (Persero)
  8. Risk & Management Procedure PT PELNI (Persero)
  9. information and communication technology governance