
PT. PELNI (Persero)


Audit Committee is a structure under the Board of Commissioners that is established by the Board of Commissioners as mandated by Law No. 19 of 2003 o State-Owned Enterprise. The Audit Committee is functioned to help the Board of Commissioners in carrying out the supervisory duty. Audit Committee is independent and autonomous, both in performing the duty and reporting activity as well as responsible directly to the Board of Commissioner.

The Audit Committee members are appointed and discharged by the Board of Commissioners and reported to the GMS. Serving period of the Audit Committee member shall not be longer than serving period of the Board of Commissioners according to provisions in the Articles of Association and may be reappointed for 1 (one) next period.


As guideline of Audit Committee function to comply with provisions of Good Corporate Governance, the company stipulated Decree No.01/DKI-2016 regarding PT PELNI (Persero) Audit Committee Charter dated January 6th, 2016 as guideline to govern all of Audit Committee Members in carrying out and performing activities as Audit Committee.

Audit Committee Charter regulates aspects related to Audit Committee Structure, Membership Requirement, Audit Committee Responsibility, Audit Committee Duty, Audit Committee Authority, Audit Committee Meeting, Reporting Responsibility and Serving Period.

Audit Committee Duties :

  1. Conduct an assessment of the effectiveness of the Internal Control Unit
  2. Reviewing the quality of financial information that will be issued by the company
  3. Reviewing the effectiveness of internal controls
  4. Reviewing the company’s level of compliance to the legislation in force.
  5. Performing other tasks given by the Board of Commissioners

Based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. KEP.07 / DK / XII-2017 dated December 8, 2017 regarding the appointment of the Chairman of the Audit Committee to the Board of Commissioners of PT PELNI (Persero), the composition of the PT PELNI (Persero) Audit Committee is as follows :

  1.  Johannes Widodo Hario Mumpuni (Head of Audit Committee)
  2.  Subagio (Member)
  3. Joko Murdyono (Member)